Tuesday, December 11, 2012


There are many representatives for the advocating group of global warming. According to the Global Warming Reader, Naomi Klein who is a journalist believes that global warming is occurring. She wants to make a change for the future. Naomi is advocating for direct action. Her plan is to go against the fossil fuels company and attack their businesses. Naomi Klein states that, “there business model is to destroy the planet” (Hurricane Sandy Occupy Sandy Relief: Naomi Klein Interview in Rockaway Park, Queens). She is referring that the fossil fuels companies’ placement is to ruin and destroy the planet. They have declared war on the people advocating for global warming.
            In the article Climate Rage, Todd Stern who is Presidents Obamas chief envoy on climate issues states, “ It’s not a meteor or a space invader, but the damage to our planet, to our community and their children will be just as great” ( Klein 239). Todd Stern is saying that the damages to our planet due to climate change/ global warming will affect our community and children of every generation. The United Nations have also gotten together to discuss the matters of global warming and their plan to help prevent it from happening. One proposal from the advocating group is climate debt. Climate debt is the idea of rich countries paying developing countries for reparations because they suffer most from climate change due to our actions from polluting. Climate debt also involves adapting to a more hostile ecology. The trend that we know today will have to be switched to more expensive technologies.


Hi my name is Naomi and this is a blog about climate debt and global warming.

Climate Debt is very important! What is climate debt you may ask!? Climate Debt is  a theoretical concept which has been submitted to the United Nations by over fifty countries having the richer , and well developed countries pay the developing countries for climate change. Do you agree with climate debt? As for me , I am not very sure as yet. It is yet an idea in progress. Though i can tell you who is siding with climate debt.  Naomi Klein is a bestselling journalist who stands behind this idea and is examining it very close.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tweeet Blog!!!

My name is Naomi and this is a blog based upon a tweet made by Erjon from the book Zeitoun by Dave Eggers.
Erjon Fjora@EFjora
can't believe that officials were there for one purpose...not saving people's life but look for terrorists. Doesn't make any freaking sense.
This tweet is interesting to me because I am really concerned about the jobs of the guards. They are suppose to be saving lives but yet they are just making more trouble and holding innocent people and accussing them of things that aren't neccessary. They are not really nedded if they dont save the lives of the people.

Blog #4

Hi my  name is Naomi and this blog is to inform readers about the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.
The Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans is about 2.3 square miles. After Hurricane Katrina ripped through it going 120 m/ph, the Lower Ninth Ward looked like a bomb warzone.Many low class African Americans lived in this area with low income. Many people were in need of food, shelter, and water. Thier homes were completely destroyed and there was nowhere to go. There are more than 3,000 family members and friends still missing due to the catastrophe. It is said that The Lower Ninth Ward is Ground Zero of New Orleans. People were devastated and hurt by the fact that they dont recieve much help from the Government and they have been left to suffer and  possibly die. Seeing that there was lack of money in this neighborhood, it was hard trying to recieve help from the upper class. The neighbors in the Lower Ninth Ward did help each other but that was the most help they recieved.



Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Hey my Name is Naomi and this is my blog update about Hurricane Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy turned out to be a nasty disaster!! At first I played it off as Zeitoun did during Hurricane Katrina, but then i knew things were getting serious when people were being asked to evacuate. To prepare, my mother and I began to fill up pots and bowls of water just incase. We then scotched tape cardboard to the windows because of the heavy winds. Our flashlights and candles were ready at hand. I was sitting in the living room reading Zeitoun when al of a sudden I heard the tree cracking. There was a loud noise. I was too afraid to look but I headed toward the window anyway. The tree branches broke and fell into the neighbors yard, Luckily no one was hurt.
Im upset at the Mayor for not double checking and securing New York. There is a crane dangling from a building and it seems like no one can get it down. While the Hurricane is hitting us hard, I sit and think about Zeitoun and the choices he has made. Too bad I dont have a canoe to go save people in need. I feel bad for the people who died and suffered from the Hurricane especially in New Jersey.

Monday, October 22, 2012

In class Zeitoun blog/direct quote

In Dave Eggers "Zeitoun" we learn of the different types of personality traits that the two main character's carry out. At first we see Zeitoun as a strong and dedicated man who loves his family but puts his job before them. In any time of day or weather he will set out to help his customers and fulfill their needs. During the storm (Hurricane Katrina) there was a flood that prevented people that remained in town from walking outside because the water was very deep. Being the 'daredevil' that he is, Zeitoun brought out his canoe and began to set sail checking on everyone houses and checking to see if there was anything that he could have done.  On his journey he heard someone calling out for help. Zeitoun ran to her rescue, "assuring her that she would be taken care of"(Eggers 100). When Zeitoun found her she was floating and hanging on for her dear life and Zeitoun didn't want to leave her there to suffer.  He went lurking for help from another boat to help the woman reach safety from the elevating water. He knew that an elderly woman like herself would not survive and have the strength to swim to save herself.For such a man who is not well equipped he still made it his responsibility to help people.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog in class Zeitoun

Dave Eggers, Zeitoun is a fantastic and heartwarming book.  So far we have learned a lot about Zeitoun and his wife Kathy. Zeitoun is dedicated to his work and is also a hardworking man. He can also be stubborn at times. When Zeitoun was thirteen years old he began fishing for sardines with the other men and teenagers ( Eggers 3). Zeitoun didn't care about the money, he loved working on the night boat, "Abdulrahman and Ahmad didn't care much about the money,  though. They would have done it for free" ( Eggers 4). Even 34 years later Zeitoun was working hard and put his job first. For example, although at that time Zeitoun didn't have a car to travel to work he rode his bike. One day as he came upon a flat tire, instead of turning back and going home, he picked up the bike and started to run with it on his back straight to work until his boss drove up beside him and picked him up ( Eggers 27).
Zeitouns wife Kathy is a caretaker. They have Four children altogether. Kathy is Zeitouns “ third hand”, always helping him with work, taking calls and organizing appointments. She is a very responsible woman and religious. She was once a Christian who converted to a Muslim and is now dedicated to the religion by wearing her hijab in public ( Eggers 57). She is a strong woman who is also independent. She knows how to take care of her kids and keep them safe from any harm. She loves to go on vacation whenever she gets a chance ( Eggers 43). I believe that Zeitoun and Kathy make a good couple as husband and wife, they complete each other and I believe their love is strong. Kathy has a great sense of knowing when to take cover or go away to protect themselves from a storm. Its almost as if she has psychic powers. Zeitoun doubts her ability and knowledge about the storm but in the end Kathy was right all along. Zeitoun being the stubborn man that he is does not flee with his family and suffers the consequences.