Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blog #2

 Hello once again my name is Naomi and this blog is focusing on the a summary of The Global Warming Reader written by Bill McKibben.

Many scientists and people have considered that we are experiencing "global warming". What exactly is global warming you may ask? Global warming is the rising of temperatures of the Earths atmosphere. Global warming causes many changes of the Earth and these changes are not good if we want the Earth to exist for a long time. In the article " The Anthropocene " written by Paul J. and Eugene F, it explains the causes of global warming and why it is happening. The word Anthropocene is a geological term used to mark that human activities have had global impact on the Earth. According to the article, the human population is outstandingly growing and due to our human activities we are affecting Earths ecosystem. For example, mankind is exhausting fossil fuels therefore 30-50% of the surface has been transferred. There has been a loss of 50% of the worlds mangroves. Mangrove's are many different types of trees that grow in coastal tropics. As for the article "The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change", states that "Human activities..are modifyng the concentration of atmospheric constituents..that absorb or scatter radiant energy..". Most scientists agree on the same idea as well as IPCC and AAAS. These scientists have also concluded that green house gases are accumalating in Earths atmosphere as a result of human activities causing air and ocean temperatures to rise. These are the main ideas of these articles. If for years scietists have been trying to tell us this why are we not listening and trying to make a change to save the Earth?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Class Blog Revision

This blog is to comment on my last blog from the article. I have  re-read my blog and i think i should have been more specific with the names of the people from the article such as Dr.Jacob who is an advisor to the city on climate change and is also an author and Douglass Hill who I gathered my quote from. For my future blog assignments I will be sure to state the title of the article and the author to help people know and understand where I get my information from. I did well on the commenting part and adding in my reactions to the comments made by other people. Next time I will complete my blog by reaching the limit of 200 words. I liked the way I started my blog by introducing myself and the purpose for my blog.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Blog#1 English 101

Hello and good evening. My name is Naomi and i attend LaGuardia Community College.In this blog, I am responding to an English 101composition assignment based on climate change. In completeing this assignment I will summarize the article and a few of the viewers comments.
I hope you enjoy the reading.

New York is facing dangerous threats caused by the rising sea levels and severe storm flooding. As one of New Yorks co leader, Mayor Michael Bloomberg had been spending time commisioning "exhaustive research of thr climate change" according to the New York Times article. On the other hand thousands of peole claim that New York is not ready and is far away from protecting itself from the dangers of storms and other violent happengings that may occur. An engineer at Stony Brook also states, " They lack a sense of urgency about this". In other words we who live in New York are not moving swiftly enough to armor New York and are not fuly preparing. We should be trying to save money to build gates to block off water from flooding NYC. Federal assistance is also needed to update us on flood maps. There are many ways we can all start to help climate change. As one viewer of the New York Times Jim Gordan commented, we should transition to clean and renewable energy. JulsHz also claims that it is not just climate change it is global warming, which I agree with. Torm who has also commented on the article states that full protectin (of NYC) will take years and be costly. This is all true but we have to do something and we have to do it quickly if we want to survive.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

naomi notes

grassroots- starting something new, building up

active reader: pen, notebook, post-it

Summary: gist- important data, general idea,understanding, main idea, general idea(simple),recollection

  • May 2011 week after Tornadoes killed in American  South
  • 2010 warmest year on record
  • Nations from Australia to Pakistan suffered flooding
  • late 1980's climate change appeared

      In Bill McKibbens into to the GWR we understand the damages that has fallen upon nations and his perspective on the environment. The year 2010 was the hottest which caused the artic to melt. Nations such as Australia to Pakistan has also suffered some violent flooding.Bill has come to a point where these actions may be caused by climate-change. Our environment is not being taken cared of enough.

      The idea of global warming is dealing with climate change. People who concieved the idea and pther scientists have not been aknowledging the idea of global warming until the late 1980's for climate change to become visible. After James Hansen told his story thats when people became worried.