Thursday, September 13, 2012

naomi notes

grassroots- starting something new, building up

active reader: pen, notebook, post-it

Summary: gist- important data, general idea,understanding, main idea, general idea(simple),recollection

  • May 2011 week after Tornadoes killed in American  South
  • 2010 warmest year on record
  • Nations from Australia to Pakistan suffered flooding
  • late 1980's climate change appeared

      In Bill McKibbens into to the GWR we understand the damages that has fallen upon nations and his perspective on the environment. The year 2010 was the hottest which caused the artic to melt. Nations such as Australia to Pakistan has also suffered some violent flooding.Bill has come to a point where these actions may be caused by climate-change. Our environment is not being taken cared of enough.

      The idea of global warming is dealing with climate change. People who concieved the idea and pther scientists have not been aknowledging the idea of global warming until the late 1980's for climate change to become visible. After James Hansen told his story thats when people became worried.

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