Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blog #2

 Hello once again my name is Naomi and this blog is focusing on the a summary of The Global Warming Reader written by Bill McKibben.

Many scientists and people have considered that we are experiencing "global warming". What exactly is global warming you may ask? Global warming is the rising of temperatures of the Earths atmosphere. Global warming causes many changes of the Earth and these changes are not good if we want the Earth to exist for a long time. In the article " The Anthropocene " written by Paul J. and Eugene F, it explains the causes of global warming and why it is happening. The word Anthropocene is a geological term used to mark that human activities have had global impact on the Earth. According to the article, the human population is outstandingly growing and due to our human activities we are affecting Earths ecosystem. For example, mankind is exhausting fossil fuels therefore 30-50% of the surface has been transferred. There has been a loss of 50% of the worlds mangroves. Mangrove's are many different types of trees that grow in coastal tropics. As for the article "The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change", states that "Human activities..are modifyng the concentration of atmospheric constituents..that absorb or scatter radiant energy..". Most scientists agree on the same idea as well as IPCC and AAAS. These scientists have also concluded that green house gases are accumalating in Earths atmosphere as a result of human activities causing air and ocean temperatures to rise. These are the main ideas of these articles. If for years scietists have been trying to tell us this why are we not listening and trying to make a change to save the Earth?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Naomi, I am Evalise and I am currently training to become a writing tutor and was asked to read your essay by my professor in order to try and help you as a writer and me as a tutor. While reading your essay I found that you were able to figure out what the main ideas of the articles were but I didn’t receive enough information to get a more in depth understanding of the topics as an outsider. I appreciated when you defined certain words that I didn’t know but you didn’t follow up with enough information about what you were defining. For example when you defined Global warming you opened up with the definition of Global warming but didn’t go into detail about the forms of global warming that exist, until the introduction of the articles which made a very confusing gap between your introduction and the information you got from the article. I felt like there was a lot you could have expanded on such as “human activities”, what human activities contribute to global warming? “IPCC and AAAS”, what are these organizations and why does their opinion matter when it comes to global warming? “Green House Gases”, what are they and why do they affect our Earth’s atmosphere? Expanding and explaining these ideas can really help for an outside reader to know what you learned from these articles. Other than these things I saw that you were really capable of picking up main ideas and I felt like you had a particular interest in the idea that Humans are the true and main cause of Global warming and perhaps using what you were really interested in you could use that to really expand what you learned and found interesting rather than adding on facts that you thought might have been important but didn’t really stick together.
