Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog#3 Revision to blog #2

Hello once again my name is Naomi and this blog is focusing on the a summary of The Global Warming Reader written by Bill McKibben.

Many scientists and people have considered that we are experiencing "global warming". What exactly is global warming you may ask? Global warming is the rising of temperatures of the Earths atmosphere. Global warming causes many changes of the Earth and these changes are not good if we want the Earth to exist for a long time. In the article " The Anthropocene " written by Paul J. and Eugene F, it explains the causes of global warming and why it is happening. The word Anthropocene is a geological term used to mark that human activities have had global impact on the Earth. In other words "Anthropocene" is one word that serves as a main point. According to the article, the human population is outstandingly growing and due to our human activities we are affecting Earths ecosystem.The growing population of humans have caused more release of nitrogen and CO2. For example, mankind is exhausting fossil fuels therefore 30-50% of the surface has been transferred. When I say transferred I mean people have tooken over control on how the earth naturally works. There has been a loss of 50% of the worlds mangroves. Mangrove's are many different types of trees that grow in coastal tropics.This is a major deal because as you may or may not know trees give off oxygen which we breathe from. So the more trees that are destroyed the less oxygen we have to breathe. As for the article "The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change", states that "Human activities..are modifyng the concentration of atmospheric constituents..that absorb or scatter radiant energy..". Most scientists agree on the same idea as well as IPCC and AAAS.IPCC a.k.a Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an organization and its purpose is to evauluate the state of climate science as the article claims. AAAS is another association that studies human modification of climate change. These scientists have also concluded that green house gases are accumalating in Earths atmosphere as a result of human activities causing air and ocean temperatures to rise. These are the main ideas of these articles. If for years scietists have been trying to tell us this why are we not listening and trying to make a change to save the Earth?

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